Absolve – ax b z oh l v
Set someone free of blame or guilt
I absolve you of the crime.
Definition verb
to free from guilt or blame or their consequences
to set free or release, as from some duty, obligation, or responsibility (usually followed by from):to be absolved from one's oath.
to grant pardon for.
1. to grant or pronounce remission of sins to.
2. to remit (a sin) by absolution.
3. to declare (censure, as excommunication) removed.
How to Pronounce
Synonyms for absolve
Dictionary Entries near absolve
absolution, absolutism, absolutive, absolutize, absolutory, absolve, absonant, absorb, absorbable gelatin film, absorbable suture, absorbance
First known use
1525–35; <Latin absolvere, equivalent to ab-ab- + solvere to loosen;