Attenuate –ax t eh n y uw ey t
Reduce the force or effect
Let Peter attenuate the signal.
Definition verb (used with object)
to weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value
to make thin; make slender or fine.
Bacteriology, Immunology. to render less virulent, as a strain of pathogenic virus or bacterium.
verb (used without object), to become thin, fine, or weak; lessen adjective weakened; diminishing. Botany. tapering gradually to a narrow extremity.
How to Pronounce
Synonyms for attenuate constrict, debilitate, vitiate
Entries near attenuate attention line, attention span, attentive, attentively, attenuant, attenuate, attenuated, attenuated virus, attenuation, attenuator, attercop
First known usage 1520–30; from Latin attenuātus (past participle of attenuāre “to make thin, reduce”);