Epidemic – eh p ih d eh m ih k
A widespread infectious disease in a community or country
Covid-19 was epidemic in China then it spread to other countries an became a pandemic
Definition adjective
(of a disease) affecting many persons at the same time, and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent.
extremely prevalent; widespread.
a temporary prevalence of a disease.
a rapid spread or increase in the occurrence of something
Synonyms for epidemic on Thesaurus.com
Dictionary Entries near epidemic
epicycloidal wheel, epicystitis, epicystotomy, Epidaurus, epideictic, epidemic, epidemic encephalitis, epidemic gastroenteritis virus, epidemic hemoglobinuria, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, epidemicity
First known use
First recorded in 1595–1605; obsolete epidem(y) (from Late Latin epidēmia, from Greek epidēmía “staying in one place, among the people,” equivalent to epi- epi- + dêm(os) “people of a district” + -ia -y3) + -ic
