Gauntlet - g ao n t l ih t
A stout glove with a long loose wrist
I have to run the gauntlet to get past him.
Definition noun
a medieval glove, as of mail or plate, worn by a knight in armour to protect the hand.
a glove with an extended cuff for the wrist.
the cuff itself.
take up the gauntlet,
1. to accept a challenge to fight He was always willing to take up the gauntlet for a good cause.
2. to show one's defiance.
throw down the gauntlet,
3. to challenge.
4. to defy.
Synonyms for gauntlet on
Dictionary Entries near gauntlet
Gaultier, gaum, gaumless, gaun, gaunt, gauntlet, gauntlet bandage, gauntry, gaup, gaur, Gause's law
First known use
First recorded in 1670–80; alteration of gantlope