homage – h oh m ih jh

A special honour shown publicly.
The soldiers paid homage to their commander.
Definition noun
respect or reverence paid or rendered
the formal public acknowledgment by which a feudal tenant or vassal declared himself to be the man or vassal of his lord, owing him fealty and service.
the relation thus established of a vassal to his lord.
something done or given in acknowledgment or consideration of the worth of another:
How to Pronounce
Synonyms for homage
Dictionary Entries near homage
Holy Willie, Holy Writ, Holy Year, hom-, homa, homage, homager, homalographic, Homans' sign, homatropine, homaxial
First known usage
First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English (h)omage, from Old French, equivalent to (h)ome “man”
