Population - p oh p y uw l ey sh ax n
All the inhabitants of a particular town
The population of Southampton is now over 300,000
Definition noun
the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or any district or area.
the body of inhabitants of a place
the number or body of inhabitants in a place belonging to a specific social, cultural, socioeconomic, ethnic, or racial subgroup
Statistics. any finite or infinite aggregation of individuals, not necessarily animate, subject to a statistical study.
1. the assemblage of a specific type of organism living in a given area.
2. all the individuals of one species in a given area.
the act or process of populating
Synonyms for Population on Thesaurus.com
community, culture, people, populace, public, society, state, citizenry, denizens, dwellers, folk, natives
Dictionary Entries near population
popular singer, popular song, popular sovereignty, popular vote, populate, population, population control, population explosion, population genetics, population inversion, population parameter
First known use
First recorded in 1612
